We’re all continuing to adjust the way we conduct business as this crisis continues. We’re trying to be flexible, creative, and attentive to our customers. But, communicating with customers during uncertain times can be challenging.

While we can’t control the situation at hand, we can control the way we react and respond to it. Here are a few ways you should be communicating to your customers at this time.

Be transparent

Your customers need to know if you’re open, if you’re doing delivery, take-out, if your hours have changed, if you’re offering promotions, etc. Make it easy for them to access this information. Let them know this information through all outlets. This includes email, social media, on your website, on your Google My Business page, any way you can reach out to your customers. And then, keep them updated on any changes. That way they can be confident the information you’re looking at is accurate and current.

Offer something to your customers and community

This doesn’t have to be something big. It can be offering free delivery or having your company put something together for hospital workers or first responders. Showing that you care about your customers and how your community is doing will be highly appreciated. 

Be motivational

You’re likely not an expert in crises or viruses. Therefore, don’t attempt to be a news source for your customers. Instead, be motivational to them. Brighten their day and give them a push to do something fun with those they live with or virtually with friends. We’re all in this together and we’ll all make it through together.

To get more advice on communicating with customers during uncertain times, check out this source.

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