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Social media marketing/management and SEO (search engine optimization) are two different and distinct strategies, but they do compliment each other. Utilizing both strategies will help you gain traffic from a variety of sources to your website.  Lets find out how SEO and Social Media work together.

Social media is a great way to help you naturally acquire links by others sharing and engaging with your posts. The increased brand awareness social media marketing provides also helps increase your SEO, by more people Googling your business name. While social media allows potential customers to discover your content and company, SEO allows you to gain traffic from those people who are searching questions or phrases related to your business.

SEO research is a great tool to understand your audience, which leads you to posting the best content to target that audience. SEO is something that takes time to develop and it takes time to see any changes. Social media is that sprint that helps you get in front of peoples faces, while simultaneously increasing your SEO (the marathon).

When it comes down to it, social media is all about engaging with your customers. The more this is done, the more likely you will be ranked higher because both your customers and Google will love you, which is why SEO and social media work together so well.

Nonetheless Murray Media Group offers SEO and Social Media services for the same reason make sure to check them out!

Here is a resource for you to use.

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